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 Business Automation?

  • What is Business Automation?
  • Business automation is a process that uses technology to automate information gathering, communication, calculation, operations and Finances, coupled with data collection and its processing for effective decision making. In this machine, software’s and connecting technology communicates within each other to create a robust ecosystem which leads to automatic execution of work with minimal human intervention and less failure.

  • Why is business automation required?
  • Increased ability to track responsibility.

  • Improved business operation.

  • Management can devote maximum time to important business areas.

  • Greater control on process and people.

  • Possibility to delegate and follow the task of each employee thus Higher utilization of working hours due to the reduced processing time of activities and manual errors.

  • Office automation can get many tasks accomplished faster.

  • business automation can be achieved through RANLY?
  • We at RANLY understands client’s requirement and bottlenecks firstly we deploy our team which prioritize areas and rank them in order of their automation requirement. We automate all areas of business say it Sales, HR, Production etc. We design tailor made solutions for our clients through array of Software’s, applications and systems. Always remember office automation relaxes most important employee of the business and that the owner.

 Data Analytics & Digital Transformation?

  • What is data analytics?
  • Data analytics is analysing raw data and convert it into meaningful information of knowledge so as to improve decision making based on the data. There are many tools and techniques used for data analytics. The main aim of data analytics is to optimize the business performance.

  • What are the types of Data Analytics?
  • 1. Descriptive Analytics

    • Here analysis is drawn from past data and trends and insights are created. As whatever has happened in past can give us pathway for future. It answers what has happened?
  • 2. Diagnostic analytics

    • It deals with the reason for anomalies in data for Example if prescriptive analysis shows up there is 10% decline in sales than diagnostic analysis will find why sales have gone down. It answers why happened?
  • 3. Predictive Analytics

    • It deals with development of predictive models based on past data through fulling of AI engines which helps in predicting future. It answers what will happen?
  • 4. Prescriptive Analytics

    • Prescriptive analytics shows you how you can best take advantage of the future outcomes that have been predicted. What steps can you take to avoid a future problem? It answers What can be done?
  • What are benefits of Data Analytics?
  • Data analytics is considered to be most crucial for success of any business and to outperform the competitors. As there is right saying which goes like” Data is the new oil” there are numerous benefits of data analytics but some of it is listed below: -

    • The most important benefits of data analytics is it personalise customer experience.

    • improves overall decision-making process.

    • Business planning can be done more accurately.

    • Authority and responsibility can be fixed more efficiently.

    • Business risk can be mitigated to low.

    • Business can be made more prepared to identify and grab opportunities.

  • Sharing of Profits and Losses:
  • The earnings and losses of the firm are shared equally by the partners. They have complete control over the profit and loss ratio in the partnership firm. They feel a sense of ownership and accountability because the firm's profitability and turnover are based on their efforts. Any losses incurred by the firm will be shared equally or according to the partnership deed ratio, lessening the weight of loss on a single individual or partner. They are jointly and severally accountable for the firm's operations.

 Business Intelligence.

  • What is business intelligence?
  • Business intelligence combines data gathering, data analytics, and data visualization so that organizations can make more data-driven decisions. Additionally, this generated data is used to fuel Artificial Intelligence engines to achieve business automation. Business Intelligence is termed as basic skill a business will required to sustain in coming time. Business intelligence is subset of data analytics.

  • What are the metrics of business intelligence?
  • Benefits of Business Intelligence:

    • Identify opportunities, problems and trends.

    • Effective decision making.

    • Operational efficiency.

    • Improved sales.

    • More scientific approach in handling business situations

    • Contributes towards business automation.

  • Limited Resouces:
  • A partnership business can have a maximum of 20 participants. The number of partners is limited, and as a result, the amount of cash invested in the business is likewise limited. The entire amount invested by each partner makes up the firm's capital. As a result, the partnership firm's resources are limited, and it is unable to engage in large-scale operations.

  • Difficult to Raise Funds:
  • It is difficult to raise funds since the partnership firm lacks eternal succession and a separate legal entity. In comparison to a company or an LLP, the firm has fewer possibilities for generating capital and expanding its operation. People have less faith in the firm since there are no strong legal obligations. The firm's financial statements do not have to be made public. As a result, borrowing money from outside parties is difficult.

 What is Cloud?

  • Cloud is network of servers which are connected together to create a vast database which can provide on-demand availability of computer resources especially data storage.

  • What is cloud computing?
  • The process of using cloud to store, manage and process data is known as cloud computing for example the WhatsApp take regular backup of our data and stores it in its cloud whenever we install WhatsApp after uninstalling it we get all our data back and all our chats are live.

  • Benefits of cloud computing

    • Data can be accessed anywhere at any time.

    • Data storage is very pocket friendly.

    • Enhanced data security in cloud in comparison to in house server data security.

    • As cloud computing used remote servers to store data, organisation can save cost of purchase of remote servers and equipment’s.

    • Easy data sharing and transfer.

    • Real time auto-back up of data.

    • Business scalability can be achieved at very low cost.

    • can be provided with flexible working hours or work from home solutions.

  • What are the metrics of business intelligence?
  • Benefits of Business Intelligence:

    • Identify opportunities, problems and trends.

    • Effective decision making.

    • Operational efficiency.

    • Improved sales.

    • More scientific approach in handling business situations

    • Contributes towards business automation.

  • How cloud computing can benefit my business?
  • Cloud computing can benefit your business in many ways let’s say for example there is one business man Mr X he is a business man and wants to grow big so with cloud computing he can allot work to all his employees track their performance find out how many of them are eligible for any bonus. Mr X can create a separate account for each of his customer where he can share various documents related to his customer like Sales Invoices, Ledgers, Payment receipts etc. and all data pertaining to same customer. Mr X can scale his business to other city and his current business practices can be replicate their because of cloud and what not can be achieved through cloud he can work while travelling to remote places and lastly all this can be achieved at a very minimal cost vis a vis saving in cost of in house servers and equipment’s.

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