Trademark registration provides an exclusive right to the owner and makes its products and services distinctive from others. It is not mandatory by law; however it is a good idea to get it done for your business name.
Overview of Trademark Registration
In simple words, trademarks are special unique signs that are used to identify goods or services from a certain company. They can be designs, pictures, signs or even expressions. It is important because it differentiates your products from the competitions. It can be associated with your brand or product. Trademarks are classified as intellectual property and therefore is protected from infringement. Trademarks and its rights are protected by the Trademark Act, 1999.
Trademark can be a word, name, logo, tagline, symbol, image or a combo of these elements. A trademark identifies the brand owner of a specific product or service.
Benefits of Trademark registration
Provide much-needed thrust to a brand value which could further be translated into increased sales for the company.
Facilitate exclusive ownership right to the owner, i.e. ensuring complete fencing of concerned IP asset
Enable companies to reduce marketing campaign budget for promoting particular goods and services.
Create IP assets for the company that can be sold, assigned, franchised or commercially contracted
Vest owners with rights to sue the infringer in case of trademark infringement
Trademark Registration: Mandatory Documentations
Applicant's identity proof
Aadhar Card
Certificate of Incorporation (COI), in case of companies registered under Company Act, 2013
Logo if it is applicable and available
Address proof